Red Lotus Under Empty Skies.
The Moon is close. It will be a long hunt tonight.
Important Information. | Bio.

Operator Profile |
Name: Hongryeon. |
Codename: Ryeon. |
Gender: Male. |
Place of Birth: Higashi. |
Faction: Abyssal Hunters. |
Birthday: November 5th. |
Race: Confirmed Pythia-Lung Chimera. Full race info to be confirmed. |
Height: 6'5ft / 200cm. |
Combat Experience: 1 year. |
Infection Status: Medical Tests have confirmed no infection. However, due to special circumstances regarding his health and current conditions, his file is moved to the high clearance database. |
Medical Profile. | Archives.
Clinical Analysis |
Physical Strength: Excellent. |
Mobility: Outstanding. |
Physiological Endurance: Volatile. |
Tactical Planning: Volatile. |
Combat Skill: Outstanding. |
Originium Adaptability: Compromised. |
Cell-Originium Assimilation: 0.00% | Reason for such low assimilation is classified. |
Blood Originium-Crystal Density: 0.015% | Reason for such low density is classified. |
Profile Summary: A young man sent to Rhodes Island for medical treatment and other amenities after an undisclosed incident, Operator Ryeon is assigned under Gladiia's Abyssal Hunter squad due to special circumstances. He is most commonly seen moving around the landship in a wheelchair because said incident left him crippled from the legs down, yet video footage taken from cameras in the training room imply that he has a mode to swap to, allowing his body to overcome the crippling affliction and fight on par with the hunters. The reason behind this "Hunter" mode is still under investigation with the medical team. |

Ryeon seems to be wielding a rather technologically advanced odachi, hailing from Ægir yet following the Higashian aesthetic of eastern weaponry. It has a trigger system and a switch which swaps the function of said trigger. First mode of the switch makes pulling the trigger result in firing the blade at a high speed. This, in conjunction with proper swordplay, can cause swift slices and rends that happen so quickly, one may not notice the laceration or sever until it is too late. The other mode of the switch allows both blade and sheathe to absorb and condense electricity for either ranged attacks via discharging the condensed electricity in energy waves and blasts, or imbue the blade with said electricity in order to deal more damage per slice.Combat footage of Ryeon suggests that Iaidojutsu is the most efficient way to use this weapon according to tech and movement. Ryeon's self-taught style takes off of lots of pop culture media from both Lungmen and Higashi, especially anime and games where residual cuts, or so called "Judgement Cuts" are inflicted in the same fashion. Ryeon has proven that he can do this too, including the flashy effects. Although sometimes inefficient, it is still very much effective. It is worth noting that Ryeon is able to use the electricity for himself, although this could be mistaken for his extreme speed while in "Hunter" mode.